Tag Archives: marriage

Marriage Is Just A Status Or A Relationship To Enjoy? Things You Enjoy Being Married

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Married life couple

What is marriage? Why should you get married if everybody else is crying over this relationship? Why marriage is so important that most of us never forget to ask the younger generation what are their future plans to settle down. Marriage is a special relationship and blissful. It gives you a sense of responsibility and a feeling of bonding for the rest of your life. If you too are afraid of getting married and think that it is not worth to get married. Here, we are sharing some pointers with you to change your opinion and make you think once again to change your mind.

  1. Marriage is all about building a new relationship with someone who is not a stranger to you, but going to be everything in life.
  2. You and your husband is a team. When a situation comes where you need to act as a unit, in that situation you act a true team and think and act like a team not as individuals.
  3. You can depend on him/her for anything and everything in life. If you are stuck in somewhere or you want someone to share something, then he/she is the one with whom you can discuss and share everything without giving a second thought.
  4. You love being together and enjoy each-other’s company. This is one thing, which is enjoyed by most of the couples. Togetherness is a kind of sense that gives you strength to face everything in life when you are together as a unit.
  5. You enjoy the differences between you. There is no couple who enjoys 100% similarity. You and your husband are two different people from two different worlds. Therefore, differences are very common and obvious in a relationship. So, being married doesn’t mean that you agree over everything, but it is more about enjoying the differences and staying together.
  6. You love each-other for all good reasons and at the same time never forget to tell the mistakes of the person if the other one is wrong. This is called the true love for each other.
  7. If you are annoyed with your spouse and in no mood to talk to him, but if you get a sense that he/she is not well or facing some problem, you just forget everything and try your level best to help the other one out.
  8. As a couple you respect, understand and build faith on each-other to enjoy your married life.
  9. Emotional bonding is equally important as physical closeness. You develop a sense of emotional connection over the period of time.
  10. You always want to do a lot of things together as couple, which is really important for a healthy relationship.
  11. You want to have your own family, your kids and you love to pamper them and enjoy the parenthood.
  12. Marriage gives you a sense of maturity and makes you a better human being.
  13. You always give enough space and freedom to your partner to let him/her enjoy the individuality.
  14. Now you have bigger family and more common friends to celebrate special occasions and reasons.

LoveVivah.com matrimony website gives online profiles of grooms and bride for marriage. You’re your soulmate with thousands for verified resumes.

Revealing Your Heart? 10 Topics You Can Discuss With Your Spouse In First Week Of Marriage

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Spouse in First Week Of Marriage

It feels amazing when you got married to someone, but at the same time it is a bit uncomfortable too if it is arranged marriage. As you are not very comfortable with the other one and most of the time you are not sure which topics you should discuss with your spouse or which topics you should avoid discussing with. To build a strong and healthy relationship it is important to communicate and have healthy conversation with your spouse. The troubles arise in any relationship when there is fatigue, frustrations and minimum or no communication. To avoid such situations, it is better if you communicate well with your spouse from the day one of your marriage. Here, we are sharing 10 topics you can discuss and talk with your spouse in the first week of marriage.

You can discuss things and some sweet memories about your wedding day and wedding preparations. You can tell him/her about your guests/relatives or some interesting things about the different family members and some stories before the wedding day.

What are the five things or goals you want to accomplish in the next five years together? Be it a professional goal or a personal goal or about buying something or planning a family. You can discuss this with your spouse.

If you are not worried about making money much because you are financially stable enough, or you don’t want to continue working after marriage then what would you do in your free time? How you will keep yourself busy and occupied for rest of the day.

What is the first thing came to your mind on the very next day of marriage? Are you feeling nervous or excited or mixed feelings? Discuss as a couple how are you feeling with him/her?

Do you want to want to start business or want to do something of your own after marriage? How will you manage and go for that new venture? Do you have enough money and resources for it?

In what ways your relationship with your parents will change after marriage? Be honest with him/her about this. If you think that you can’t leave your parents because of health and other reasons then try to make your point understandable to your spouse.

Is there something special you want to share with him/her after your wedding day? Is there any special incident, talent or something else you want to share it with him/her?

What do you consider to be your greatest strengths and weaknesses? Discuss this with your spouse and be open to listen and understand it. Because it might be your weakness is his/her strength that will make you stronger as couple.

Discuss about any health issues, allergy or something else with your spouse. It will help him/her to deal with the situation in a better way if any situation of emergency came.

You can share pre-wedding and post-wedding images and discuss things about it. You can also let your spouse know about your relatives in these photographs and tell about their place and importance in your family.

LoveVivah.com matrimony services India gives online profiles of brides and grooms. Search your future partner for wedding.

Some Simple Ways To Strengthen Your Relationship With Your Husband

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Are you the one who is always worried because you think there is something missing in your married life? Most of the time you just think your husband is a changed man and he doesn’t love you in the same way he used to do. Do you agree that you find your relationship dull and boring and it is just like a mandate task for you which you are bearing as responsibility. If your situation is similar to what we mentioned over here, let’s take a U turn and start a fresh. Follow these simple ways to strengthen your relationship with your husband.

Listen to each-other: To strengthen your relationship with your husband, it is important that you always listen to his thoughts without interruption. Work on your listening skills, sometimes listening is more important than giving solutions. Therefore, always listen to his ideas and thoughts.

Go for a morning/evening walk: This is another way to spend some quality time together. If you both are working and hardly get time during the day to make a call or interact with each-other it is always good if you make a habit of going for morning/evening walk together. While walking, you will get enough time to spend some quality time with him.

Do some nostalgic exercise: Spare some time and do some activities which you use to do together as couple in the initial days or years of your marriage. If you used to go for a weekend outing, plan out something and revisit your favorite place. If you have some other things that you used to enjoy together, make a plan to relive those moments to strengthen your bonding.

Fix your ‘WE’ time every day: It is important to complete our routine tasks, similarly it is important to spare some time as a couple and fix a ‘WE’ time. If you have kids or in-laws in the family, then get free from all your important tasks like cooking, or making bed for kids, etc. and enjoy some ‘WE’ time together every day be it for ten mints chit-chat or watching his favorite series together.

Don’t behave like an evaluator:  You are his wife, not his boss or mother that you keep on evaluating or criticizing him all the time. It will further add bitterness in your relationship. As a couple, we expect support from our partner not criticism.

Mind your words: Whenever you are talking with your husband pay attention to your words. Before saying anything to him, think twice and evaluate your words. If you are so tempted to say something harsh and bitter, change the track of your conversation to avoid any argument or be diplomatic with your words.

Say something positive every day: It will add more positivity in your relationship. Try to make it a habit of saying something positive to him every day. Be it a very small thing like, “You are just awesome.” These kinds of small gestures will help in bringing more positivity in your relationship.

Be naughty with him: All the time behaving like a matured one is really boring. To add some spark in your life, get naughty some time. Whenever you get time, get naughty with him after all he is your husband, there is no need to be decent and modest with him all the time. It will give a new life to your boring relationship.

Real Time Relationship Hacks Of Happy Couples: To Make Married Life Perfect!

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Happy Married Couple

Once your honeymoon is over and you are back from your tinsel town story to the real world, you feel that life is different and something missing in your married life. You like doing something, but your spouse doesn’t like it. Sometimes deciding on one simple thing gets really difficult and harder. Well, you are not the only couple who faces such things, almost every married couple goes through these situations. While some work out and find the way out to make their married life better and happier and other just give up and stop trying. There is hardly any marriage that has not faced any hitches. But, there is always a way out to make it happier and strong. Here are a few useful tips to make your relationship strong and perfect.

Think before ask him/her to change: It might be you are not happy with his/her habits, but before asking to make changes in his/her habits, it is better if you think about five different things which you like in him/her. If you are the one who is thinking about making some changes, find out ways to accept the differences and respect it.

Make occasions and non-occasions big deal: It is not really necessary to celebrate the occasions in full swing, rather to enjoy your married life you can celebrate your weekends to feel special. Celebrate non-occasion in the same spirit to feel special and make it special.

Giving space to each-other: Couples love to do many things together to increase their bonding, but it doesn’t mean that you force fit yourself into everything that is related to your partner and his/her life. Give some space to him/her to make your relationship more friendly and accommodating.

Respect the differences: There is no single couple who has never faced any differences in-between. It might be you like something that your partner doesn’t like. So, try to accept the differences and respect it. Be it dressing habit, eating habits or your something else, it is important that you respect it and live happily with it.

Become BFF: Couples are not just the life partners, but they are everything to each-other. Besides respecting and loving each-other, it is important that you become the best friends. It is important to be-friend. Listen, think and understand the point of view of your partner and try to think that he/she too has a life and he/she is not just your partner, but your friend as well.

Kids doesn’t mean end of married life: Kids complete your relationship and you become more responsible as couple. It doesn’t mean that after having a kid your married life or love life ends. To keep your love life and relationship going, keep the fire of romance alive in your marriage. Go out for dinner, or go on some short vacation to spend some quality time together.

There is no perfect recipe, keep trying: There is no set formula for a perfect and happy married life, it is important to keep trying till the time you don’t find a solution or your own happiness recipe. Give some time to each-other and build good understanding over the period of time.

Indulge in new things in your ‘WE’ time: Be it five years or ten years you are in this relation, try and indulge in new things and explore new things as couple. Explore new places, try some new food. It will bring newness in your relationship. Always keep some “WE” time to enjoy the company of each-other.

LoveVivah.com marriage matrimony portal gives Indian brides and groom profiles for wedding. Register now for selecting future partner with verified matchmaking.

10 Tips To Make Your First Year Of Marriage Happier And Easier

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marriage life partners

The first year of marriage is the hardest and rockiest in all. You have many realistic and unrealistic expectations from your partner and you always want that all should be fulfilled. The first year of marriage is very crucial as you land into new responsibilities and above all the responsibility to survive together. This important change in your life comes with some unexpected challenges. Here are some easy tips for newly wedded couples to make their first year of marriage happier and easier.

  1. Believe in your partnership: It is really important that you believe in your partnership and faith and trust in your partner. Always remember that only wife or only husband can’t make this marriage successful. It is important to divide all the work and manage everything together.
  2. Be on the same page always: While discussing important issues and things, always be on the same page. When you discuss things about buying a new home, finance, buying a new car, planning family and other important things, you should be on the same page.
  3. Be realistic in your expectations: Be realistic in your expectations from your spouse. As a newly wedded couple, you have a lot of expectations from your spouse, but at times these expectations become the reason of unnecessary arguments. Don’t hesitate to compromise to stay happy if not exactly meeting the expectations.
  4. First year is transitional: The first year of marriage is the most transitional. Always get ready to learn, understand, compromise and adjust with each-other. Always work on your difference and think like a team. You meet new people and build new relationships, therefore it is important to accept the changes happily.
  5. Avoid the blame game: You are a team, don’t behave like a kid and start the blame game, when you are arguing with your spouse. Accept the difference and avoid blaming your spouse for each and everything.
  6. Give some time to each-other: Don’t jump into conclusions very soon. Give some time to each-other. Allow each-other to get adjusted with the changes and new set-up. Don’t try to change each other or expect the other one to change from the day one of marriage.
  7. Get ready to accept & improve: Acceptance is really important for a successful marriage. It is important that you accept your spouse the way he/she is. Always get ready to accept the change and improve and make changes in your habits for a healthy relationship.
  8. Accept your new family: Don’t forget that you have not married to him/her only. You have married to a new family altogether. It is important that you accept the new family and get involved with them. Don’t treat them as your in-laws, but as your family.
  9. Lear to fight fair: For a healthy relationship it is equally important to have some fighting sessions. It is important that you fight with her/him, but for the right reason. Don’t argue or fight for wrong reasons or don’t fight for not so valid reasons.
  10. Learn to forget and forgive: For a happy relationship it is important that you learn to forget things and forgive your partner. Don’t stick to any issue for longer time. Try to forget things quickl and behave normally with your spouse. It is important for a healthy relationship.

LoveVivah.com Telangana matrimony portal gives Indian marriage resume of brides and grooms. Find your life partner with matchmaking.