Tag Archives: husband wife

Simple Ways to Strengthen Your Bond with Mother-in-Law

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bride-and-mother-in-law-relationIf you recently got married, one thing for which you must be worried a lot is your relationships with your husband and your mother-in-law. It is equally important to maintain a good relationship with your in-laws as well. One of the biggest challenges in first year married life is to get along well with your in-laws. So it is really important that you try to build good and healthy relationship with your in-laws. According to a research, generally 60% of all marriages face tension and complex relationship between the women and her mother-in-law.

Always show respect to her:  This is really important that you show respect to your mother-in-law even if she don’t deserve it or you don’t feel to show respect. When you show respect to your mother-in-law, it will help in building the good relationship. It will also help in building the communication gap and help in developing a positive atmosphere. However, it not easy all the time, but it is worth doing.

Seek advice from them whenever necessary: This will also help in building good relationship between you and your mother-in-law. You should always seek advice from them whenever you feel it is really required. It will increase their involvement and gives her a sense of connection with you.

Treat them as your family: You should not forget that she is mother of your husband and has equal importance in your life as your mother. If you show her equal respect and treat her as your family, in return she will also try to accept you a family member, which is very much required for healthy relationship.

Don’t fake in front of her: Try to remain as natural and normal as you can in front of your mother-in-law. Being yourself will work in your favor. If you try to be something else all the time, you can’t make them happy and even you will never able to enjoy relationship. Therefore, it is important that you should not pretend in front of your mother-in-law.

Nurture it, give it time: Always understand that every relationship needs time. You can’t build a relationship overnight. Even with your husband as well you must be putting lots of efforts to build it. Similarly, you should always give some time and nurture your relationship with your mother-in-law.

Don’t be arrogant & rude: In day-to-day life there comes a time when you feel anger, frustration and you really want to express your thoughts, but it is suggested that you should try to remain calm and cool. Don’t show your arrogance and rudeness in front of your mother-in-law. It will affect your relationship with her.

Pay attention to your words: Whenever you have a conversation with her, pay attention to your words. Don’t show disrespect them in your words. Always choose right words, before saying anything to her, try to assess your words and think about the future consequences of any harsh statement.

Try to help her in day-to-day activities: Your new family will always expect you to do and help your mother-in-law in day-to-day activities. Take initiatives whenever necessary. Whenever and wherever you get change to ease her burden and behave like a helping hand, try and do that. It will strengthen your bonding with her.

LoveVivah.com matrimonial portal gives online platform for searching perfect bride and groom for wedding. Make your registration now!

Do You Think First Year Of Marriage Is Very Important? Some Points to Boost This Idea

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happy married couple

Marriage is one of the most beautiful, exciting, romantic and life turning phase. It is a new beginning for both bride and groom. You start a new phase of your life, sharing your home, your space, important and precious things which you even didn’t share with your sibling as well. It gives you a sense of responsibility also. When you tie the knot with someone, be it yours love marriage or arranged marriage, the first year of the marriage is very crucial and important for every couple. Together you learn a lot of things, make plans, implement them and chase your collective dream to live a happy married life. Here, we are sharing some points which will boost the idea that the first year of marriage is very important.

Knowing each-other better: It may be that you know each-other from a long time, spent a lot of time together, watched many movies, explored new places, had lavish food in restaurants, but, staying together is a different feeling. There are many things which you get to know only once you start staying together. You start knowing more about his/her personality at home, eating habits, liking’s, disliking’s, way you sleep and many other things which you never considered and taken so seriously before. You learn a lot new things about your partner and start knowing each-other well.

Share everything and anything: After marriage you do not just share your home, but you share many things with your partner like your room, bed, cabinets, your car, your favorite cookies, chocolates and much more. It gives you a sense of attachment and belongingness. All these things look really small, but they have their own importance in life.

You act and think like a unit: If you are a married couple and if you does not act and think like a unit then there is something wrong in your relationship. Being a couple you fight with each-other which is quite normal between couples. But, it is very important that you work, think and behaves like a unit when you face any difficult situation or challenge in life. You never leave your partner alone in the time of difficulty. Moreover, you two act as a team and try to find out solutions for all difficulties of life.

Knowing about what makes your partner happy & sad: The first year of happy married life is something like you try to spend maximum time together. It is kind of extended honeymoon. You learn to know more about each-other’s liking-disliking. You also learn what will make him/her happy and what will annoy him/her. You also develop a sense over which things you can argue and where you need to stop and quit.

Unfold the weaker side as well: When your partner before your marriage, you tend to know only the strong and good side of your partner. But, once you stay together you get to see the strong and weak side as well. Once you get married you don’t worry a lot about your weaker sides and you are fully convinced that your partner will not take your weaker points otherwise, rather he/she will support you and accept you the way you are.

You learn to filter your words: This is one thing which you gradually learn in this relationship. You start filtering your words and pay attention to what you speak. In any heated argument you tend to say such words which you actually don’t mean, in that case you invite unwanted tension and tussle.  To avoid such unwanted situations and arguments you start filtering your sentences and start picking the right words to express yourself in a subtle manner.

LoveVivah.com matrimonial site gives brides and grooms profiles for wedding. Find your life partner with updated marriage profile.

Secrets of Happy Married Life Decoded

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Married Life

In India, when it comes to marriage, the first thing which comes to your mind is long-lasting relationship which makes you feel secured and happy. The first and more important thing in a marriage is to stay happy. In present trend of globalization and commercialization, we are not much bothered about the long-lasting relationships; rather we are more focused on materialistic things. No wonder, in such a materialistic situation the emotions and feeling take a back foot and we end up messing up all the things in our life. In a marriage, it is really important that you stay happy and satisfied. Like any other relationship a marriage needs time and mutual understanding of the couple to keep going in this special bond. At times, it becomes tough to manage and handle the situation in married life, but one thing that is really important during that difficult time is to have faith in each-other. So, instead of arguing and shouting on each-other one should take a different route to handle and manage the tensed situation with peace and patients. We have decoded some secrets of happy married to ease your journey.

Communicate every day with your spouse: Communication is really important in every relationship. It is really important to express yourself and share your feelings. If communication is missing in your marriage, then it will affect your relationship. Everyone talks about honesty in a marriage, but it is not possible if you don’t communicate with your marriage partner. Try to make a routine or block at least 15 minutes time every day to communicate/chat with your spouse. Even if you are super busy with other stuff like gym, cooking, social activities or other things, try to take out some time for each other. Use this precious time to share things, discuss about your family, friends and work and any other random stuff.

Respect your spouse: Don’t overrate the love all the time. Marriage is not all about loving your spouse only. It also includes respecting your spouse as well. Respecting your spouse and giving him/her the respect is also important. It doesn’t matter how much you love him/her, if you can’t respect your spouse publically. It is important that you don’t dominate or boss him/her all the time or in front of people. Always, respect his/her decision and agree with him/her in front of people even if you don’t.

Good to compromise: Many people think that if you compromise easily, it is sign of lack of determination on your decision. May be most of us feeling that compromising with someone means you are weak. But, we overlook the best or wider part of compromising with your spouse. To make your relationship going and happy it is good that you avoid situations where you are required to confront your spouse. Always try to find out middle way to avoid any argument and tense situation. But, that does not mean that you always have to give up on what you think or believe is right in a particular situation. Make it more about finding a middle way to avoid any argument or solution where both of you agree and feel happy.

Be transparent on your finance: Every couple want financial transparency. It is completely fine if you have your own personal bank account, where you can save some money for your future or hard time. But, it is equally fine that if your spouse is aware of your finance too. It is important that you tell your husband/wife about your financing habits be it saving, investment, lending loan to some friend or spending money on shopping. It is important that you keep your husband/wife in loop. Don’t break his/her trust over financial matter as it will create rift in the relationship.

Bonding with your in-laws: Well, this one is easy to say and difficult to maintain. In most of the cases, you hardly able to maintain good relationship with your in-laws. But, you can at least try to maintain a healthy relationship by making efforts at your end. You could invite them on dinner or visit their home in weekends to build good relationship. After all, they are parents and they could be the best source to provide you helping hand in difficult time.

Don’t let the romance die in your relationship: No matters how many years you have spent together, how old your kids are, it is important to keep the fire of romance burning in a relationship. It is important that you appreciate, love, give attention and quality time to your spouse whenever required and possible. Make him/her feel special and your world. At times go out alone and spend some quality time in the company of each-other without giving a second thought to your extended responsibilities.

LoveVivah.com matrimony website gives online platform for brides and grooms in India looking for suitable life partner for wedding.