Tag Archives: marriage

Now get your marriage registered at Government’s Revenue Department of Delhi

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Now the government has made it easy for the couples to get solemnize their wedding. They need not to solemnize their wedding traditionally in front of a marriage registrar. Now, all they have to do is apply online and take an appointment for the day of their wishes and get it registered. This is the most recent change done by the government to make the marriage registration process simple. This new provision is also applicable on the e-district portal of Delhi government’s revenue department.

The government has added 13 new services in the revenue department. Earlier, the department has 13 online services, which included registration of marriage. The new revenue services that have been introduces on the portal include issuance of land status report, right of record, enrolment of civil defence volunteers, grant of license of cinematographer and renewal of the same are a few among other services.

The main objective of government to launch these services with revenue department was to integrate different departments. The government has now included on the portal like education, labour, social welfare and food and civil supplies for services where there is direct public interface. To start with, the higher education and skill guarantee scheme for students is not part of this new platform.

This portal offers digitally signed certificates that can be downloaded and authenticated online through a unique ID assigned to every user. To register on the portal a person is required to use his voter ID for the Aadhaar number. You can also upload your documents in your profile. All the papers have to be self-attested. After submitting the documents, you will get an acknowledgement through an SMS or email. This new process will minimize the role of middle man in all processes. It will also eliminate the operational chaos from the office by replacing manual public dealings with online processes. But, it has not totally scarped the offline services, as those who are not internet savvy or don’t have access to internet can visit district offices and can submit all the documents personally for eventual uploading on the portal.

Family Relations After Marriage

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“The love of family and the admiration of friends are much more important than wealth and privilege.”  –Charles Kuralt

What exactly is the meaning of Family? The true meaning of family lies where there is love, trust, communication, sharing, understanding, freedom of speech, caring, sharing. A true and a happyfamily is one that embodies these values and practices them in their everyday lives. But in today’s society, things have changed. These habits and qualitieshave disappeared from our families. Some bad habits have been adopted that have completely misled our attitude towards the members of our family. n

There are many factors that are to be blamed here. One of the main reasons for such formality among families and family members is the lack of appreciation and the emotional contact. It is these qualities only that brings family members together and forms a bond of personal touch and provides the family emotional support to each its member.The problem arises when this quality disappears from the families. What happens is the need for such support does not go away but the member seeks to external society to fulfill this support that he or she requires. It leaves the person mentally much more vulnerable and he or she feels much more broken down and lonely in life.

The second most important reason is the over desire of the family for financial growth or simply put, want of more and more money. In this the entire family indulges deeply in trying to make more money and in this process leaves all the family values behind for gaining worldly possessions. Here, making more money is not the problem but surely, lack of family unity is!

In trying to bring the families back together, one must keep certain things in mind. The first and foremost is the presence of trust and honesty among each other. Secondly, constantly staying in touch with the family in terms of contributing to family problems, and generally talking about family discussions about important matters and talking about future planning is a very good way to go ahead.  And last but not the least, make sure to provide ample amount of love to the person whom who swore and agreed to stay with the rest of your life, for that is the main reason why two of you are together. Do not talk about each other’s failures but embrace each and every other quality with happiness.

Talking in overall, maintaining familyrelationship is a huge responsibility that must be undertaken with great respect and honor. And it is not only the responsibility of the oldest member in the family to take care of these qualities but rather each individual’s responsibility to make sure that a peaceful harmony is maintained within their families. As long as each member plays his part perfectly, nothing can stand between your family and happiness.