LoveVivah.com recently launched its new website, which is fully loaded with loads of new features. It is a leading matrimony site with large number of registered users from all over the country and different religions. You can easily search profiles of prospective brides and grooms. Our experience and highly dedicated team is committed to provide 360 degree solutions to all prospective Indian brides and grooms. To ensure the higher level of authenticity and genuineness of profiles the site has introduced a totally unique concept for registration. The website is easy to manage and it is the best platform for those who are genuinely looking for their soul mates. The site has a long list of Happy Customers success stories, who are pleased with end-to-end services. The new and unique features of the website set it apart from the other market players. Let’s know more about the unique features of the website.
What makes us different?

Mandatory Aadhar Card verification: LoveVivah.com is the first and only Indian matrimonial website which allows and ensures the verification of all registered users through Aadhaar Card details. The registration through Aadhaar card is mandatory for all new users as without giving your Aadhaar Card details you can’t move forward and complete your registration process and becomes a member of this website. The website authenticates profiles through Aadhaar UIDAI to check the genuineness of profiles. This platform encourages the genuine registration and opens a new world for those who are serious about commitments and register with the site only for marriage purpose.

Other Identity documents: If you don’t have Aadhaar Card number, but you want to complete your registration process then you can update your identity documents on the website. You can update your PAN card/Driving License/Passport details on the website to complete your registration process. It is mandatory to upload one of these documents in case you don’t have Aadhaar Card details with you can update any of the above documents to compete the process. However, the process is a bit stringent, but the main objective of these mandatory checkpoints is to minimize the fake registration on the website.

Email verification: To complete the registration process it is important to enter a valid email address. At the time of registration you are required to enter a valid email address, so that the website can verify your details. It is also important to give a valid email id because once you complete the registration all further communication and messages will be sent to your registered email Id.

Phone number verification: This is another mandatory process for registration. The website creates a unique identity of the registered member on its data bank and it sends an OTP to the registered mobile number. To complete the registration process you are required to enter the OTP. You can’t create two profiles with the same mobile number or email Id as both needs to be unique. Therefore, mobile number verification is very important without completing the process you can’t move further and complete the registration.

Wider & better search options: LoveVivah.com serves to all Indian communities in India and abroad with main focus on USA, Canada, UK, Australia and Singapore. In short-span of time, the site has created a niche place for itself in the market. You can easily search profiles of prospective brides and grooms not only in India, but Indian’s staying in other countries.

Photo gallery: It is offering you a fully loaded photo gallery where you can share your photos. You can share maximum 20 photos in your profile. You can share images of self, family, and friends.
Easy to meet & connect: It is really simple and easy to meet and connect with someone though this site. You can search from a large number of registered profiles and send invites. You can share your interest and chat with the person. Besides, you can also share contact details with other registered members.
Personalized services: The website is also offering personalized services to those who want to opt for it. In your personalized services a dedicated relationship manager will be assigned to handle your account and meet your requirements. He/she will share handpicked profiles meeting your requirements. Besides, you will also free horoscope and highlighter for your profile. You will also get other add-on services as well.
Check the tips to create matrimony profile on LoveVivah.com portal to find dream life partner.