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New Generation Dating Rules for Healthy Relationship Before Marriage

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Dating Rules for Relationship Before Marriage

In all old Bollywood movies, we have seen that couples made promises and tried to keep their promises for their love. But, the things have changed. In this age of social media, facebook, twitter and whatsapp everything is lightning fast, even the relationships. The relationships have gone through a sea change or we can say a makeover for this generation. Now, you want to be in a relationship, but on your own terms. This new generation has made their own rules for their relationship as well. Here, we are sharing some relationship rules for you to enjoy a blooming and happy relationship.

Love your partner without condition: Always love your partner unconditionally, even if you find it difficult to cope up with pressure. There comes a time when you find it difficult to love your partner. Falling in love is easy, but sailing in it is not effortless. The best thing for making your relationship strong is love your partner unconditionally and the same you will get in return.

Give space to your partner: In a partnership, it is important to respect each-other’s privacy. It is really necessary to give space to each-other to enjoy your relationship. There is no need to behave like identical twins or pushy in your relationship. Whether you are in a relationship or not, you should always enjoy space to enjoy your life your ways. If you are too close to each-other you will not get time to miss each-other. So, always try to think and understand other’s situation.

Don’t share everything: When you are in a relationship or in courtship period, don’t temp to share everything with your partner. We always make plans for future, but there is no certainty that everything will go the way we want. It might be the thing you shared with him/her out of love will be used against your after marriage or in future if things go wrong.

Don’t ignore your friends: When you enter in a new relationship you want to focus more on that relationship. You start ignoring other relationship. Don’t ignore your friends because they are the one who are with you in your ups and down. They are the one who are with you without any personal interest.

Don’t involve the third person: No matter how annoyed you are with your partner or whether you are in no mood to talk. Still don’t involve the third person between you for settling your issue. It might be, it will create more confusion between you two. So, the thumb rule of the relationship is to keep other out of your fight.

Don’t fake anything: When you are with your future partner on a date, don’t fake anything. You two are going to be together soon and if you will say something which you actually don’t believe in doing. So, don’t say anything or fake anything in front of your partner.

Don’t force your wishes and ideas: Don’t force your wishes and ideas on your partner. It might be you want to do something or try something, but if your partner is not convinced to do that thing, don’t force your partner. It might be he/she will get ready to do it, but forcing your wishes and ideas are not good.

Don’t show your attitude: There is no space for attitude in this relationship. If you love someone, then there is no scope of showing your attitude. It might be you are too strong headed or strong personality, but it gives you no authority to show your attitude to your partner.

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