Tag Archives: Lakshmi Puja

Lakshmi Puja Festival for Goddess of Wealth Celebration

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happy Lakshmi Puja

Maa Lakshmi is believed as the Goddess of wealth as per the Hindu mythology. As per epic she is the wife of Lord Vishnu who referred to supreme God and most powerful. The devotees of Goddess Lakshmi are blessed with good wealth and health in their life. So people keep religion fast and prayers to get well blessing of wealthy deity. This festival mostly celebrated in the eastern region of India which includes West Bengal, Odisha, Tripura, Assam and Manipur. The Govt. of these respective states declared the festival as official holiday for celebration.

On the auspicious occasion people welcome to Goddess Lakshmi with decoration of their house candles, oil lamps and electric lights. Prayers are arranged for family prosperity, wealth, health and good business. Delight sweets, foods are offered to Maa Lakshmi with decorated festive light in the home. According to the Hindu epic Maa Lakshmi loves for cleanliness and her first travel to most clean home. So the oil lamps (Diyas) and candles are lit from evening to till morning for welcome of the wealthy goddess. On the special day the goddess of wealth visits to her devotee’s house and showers her blessings on human for wealth, health and prosperity.

On the Laxmi Puja is also celebrated in the time of Diwali when people new ornaments of gold, silver, precious gemstones and utensils as mark of good luck for prosperity and wealth. These newly bought things are used on Lakshmi Puja night with devotional prayer.  Generally five Gods Ganesh (Vighneshvara), Mahalakshmi (Goddess of wealth), Saraswati (goddess of learning), and Mahakali (goddess of power) and Kubera (treasurer of Gods) are worshiped on this festival. The rangoli by using various colors are drawn at the doorstep of houses to welcome Maa Lakshmi with lighting her path.

Also big puja pandals are created for idols of Goddess Lakshmi in cities of Kolkata, Bhubaneswar, and Guwahati for celebration. This festival is believed to the great for starting new business, organization, buying house, booking of wealth or property for the family. Keeping the faith the market is offering more discounts on shopping across the festival season. On the occasion parents of boy and girl are searching for good bride and grooms for wedding. You can check the marriage matrimony sites offering great discounts on the festive Lakshmi puja to attract more registration of the profiles to their website.

Wishing Happy Lakshmi Puja to your family for prosperity, wealth and health…!