Congratulations! You are getting married! You are embarking on a life-long journey towards matrimony, and you have our best wishes. We understand the mammoth task that lies ahead of you. The endless thin
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Celebration of Love cannot be restricted to a day or two, rather its something to be rejoiced every single moment of each passing day. Marriage, which many believe to be an end of love & romance life, can actually be an exciting start to a new phase rendering a different meaning to love all together.
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Solah Shringar is said to enhance the beauty of the Indian bride during matrimony. The number 16 (Solah) is supposed to correspond to the various phases of the moon and Shringar is derived from 'Shri', Lakshmi.
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Aries, is a fire sign, ruled by the war God Mars, symbolised by iron as the ruling metal and diamond as the birthstone! For the Indian groom out there, wanting to join with this woman in holy matrimony, some food for thought! Not many
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No human being is perfect, every person in this world has multiple flaws in their character, even you and you cannot deny this fact. Therefore, it means that the person you are married to isn't perfect either, and they have their own sets of flaws. So, what do you do when you come across a flaw in your spouse? Do yo
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