Your education might have prepared you for a lot of things that you may have to face in life from getting a job to building a career and even performing first aid, but what school cannot teach is the reality behind a matrimony. You will never realize what marriage is unless you get into one, and by the time you
With Online Matrimonial Sitesgaining popularity as a medium to search for a life-partner it becomes all the more important to understand that what all goes in to create an impressive Matrimonial profile. Of course it is important to have a strong profile to attract other; strong in terms of career, education, family background and much more, but still the importance of looks cannot be neglected. As the famous saying goes - “first impression is the last impression”, on a matri
India is a land of multiple religions with language, traditions, customs and cultures varying at every few kilometers. Amidst these entire differences one thing that remains common is the excitement that prevails in a family where wedding is scheduled to happen. Yes, you got it right! From east to west and nor
Matrimony is not just about finding a perfect match but also about working out the various aspects of relationship post marriage. Online Matrimonial Sites can help you find a perfect matc
The way foundation works for a building, likewise is the role of initial years in laying a strong base for a happy and successful married life. The way you treat each other, things that you do and expectations you set, is what that will set the scene for the rest of the years. These initial years c