Ten ways to keep the spark going

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In a country like ours, matrimony  is holy. It should be because you enter into a bond between souls with a promise to strive for a better life. Though the relationship is vitally important, it is not challenge-proof. Couples have their ups and downs while they try to settle down into this new relationship. Newness fades into small disagreements, but this should never mean that the spark is gone. The transition from passionate love to compassionate love requires efforts, and these efforts should come from both. Try the following ways to give the spark a shot once the honeymoon period is over.

1) Bring Back The Date Nights
Now that you have caved into the routine make sure to make your partner feel special, no matter how busy your schedule is. Being complacent is easy but lethal. Take your partner away to his/her favorite restaurant once in a while to rediscover the special fun of dating.

2) Never Forget To Communicate
There is nothing better in any relationship than to admit feelings and share worries. Feel free to talk to your partner if something does not feel right. Listen to their part of the story. Share your dreams and fears, grow together, talk about that bump you faced in the office. Talk about everything.

3) Cultivate a common interest
Watch a sport, read a book, spend time gardening, try knitting. In short, try any of the common interests you share together and watch the bond grow. Marriage is so much more than budgeting and raising a family. It is growing together.

4) Head to the movie theatre
In Indian setups, it is sometimes difficult to get your partner all to yourself. Put out a little effort and get your partner out for a lovely movie, don’t mind if the movie does not turn out to be lovely, be grateful that you spent time together. Then bash the movie together.

5) Help with chores
Nothing is sexier than being caring in any relationship. Take responsibility and make efforts in the kitchen or around the house. This will make your partner feel equal, and you will eventually help the bond grow stronger.

6) Respect Each Other
Respect is food for every marriage. Even if one of the partners is wrong and another loses cool, make sure that you can still look eye to eye after the storm is settled. If you do not respect your partner, others may follow the lead. Respect to be respected.

7) Take On An Adventure
Being married has its perks. You will never have to find another partner for your adventures. Try a new restaurant, go swimming, go to another city. Try something new.

8) Surprise!!!
Try planning something nice for your partner. Pick up some roses on the way home. Write sweet-nothings for him/her. You will put a broad smile on your partner’s face.

9) No Harm In Apologies.
In a long-term relationship, conflicts are obvious. The biggest let-down in such situations is ego and never accepting the fault. Say sorry when you are supposed to. This will not make one weak and another strong but will strengthen the relationship and keep it glowing with a spark.

10) Look Good For Each Other
Last but not least, do not give up on yourself after you get married. Do not stop trying new styles, picking out latest fashion, experimenting with your hair, if you used to. Never stop loving yourself. The love within reflects outside. Entice your spouse in every way you can!

Marriage is beautiful. All that needs to be done is making little efforts. Wake up and try, because trying makes us human. Make this bond as beautiful as it is supposed to be.

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