The idea of arranged marriage is really confusing and complicated. When you decided to go for arranged marriage, the whole process is time consuming and daunting. In all arranged marriage set-up, the first meeting with your
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It is difficult to buy something unique and intelligent for your man. But, you have to enter into this new territory to make your man happy and give him a very much desired surprise. If you start your search in right direction, there are chances that you will find plenty of unique
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Sikh wedding rituals are very colorful, exciting and generally lasts for a week and more. It is different from typical Hindu wedding, where the priest fixes an auspicious date for the wedding, whereas in a Sikh wedding does not follow such traditions. Rather, date of wedding is generally decided mutually by t
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The first year of marriage is the hardest and rockiest in all. You have many realistic and unrealistic expectations from your partner and you always want that all should be fulfilled. The first year of marriage is very crucial as you land into new responsibilities and above all the responsibility to sur
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Indian Christian wedding has its own charm in India and an important part of Indian culture. However, the Christian population is very less as compared to Hindu and Muslims in India. The Christian wedding rituals are very simple and sober as compared to other Indian weddings. You can view a vis
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